| 1. | It is also found out that most women having cervical cancer neglect to have a pap test 而没有作帕氏抹片检查亦与患子宫颈癌有关连。 |
| 2. | The effort to eliminate cervical cancer began over 50 years ago with the introduction of the pap test 半个多世纪以来,人类试图努力用巴氏涂片来消灭子宫颈癌。 |
| 3. | Numbers are much higher worldwide , especially in deeloping countries where pap tests to detect cerical cancer are not routine 在全世界这个数量将更多,尤其在发展中国家缺乏常规测试及时发现子宫癌。 |
| 4. | Southeast asian women have higher invasive cervical cancer incidence rates and lower pap testing frequencies than most other ethnic groups in the u . s 东南亚妇女相较于美国其他种族,有较高的侵犯性子宫颈癌发生率,以及较低的子宫颈抹片检查频率。 |
| 5. | Information about women s health issues including pap tests and cervical cancer , menorrhagia , breast cancer , pregnancy , and fertility as well as details about the company s products in those areas -包含女性保健养生之法年轻奥秘个人保洁健康课堂中医调理相关信息服务。 |
| 6. | Cervical cancer is usually a slow - growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular pap tests ( a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope ) 宫颈癌通常生长缓慢,可以没有症状,但定期作巴氏试验(在显微镜下观察宫颈细胞刮片的一项检查)可获诊断。 |
| 7. | A well - taken pap test that is examined by a good laboratory will detect the embryonic early lesions and with treatment , future cervical cancer is prevented from developing . countries that have good pap test programme have very low cervical cancer rates 帕氏抹片检查是用来检验子宫颈细胞的变化,能辨别出子宫颈很早期的细胞受损,如果及时提供治疗,是可以预防恶化为癌病。 |
| 8. | Studies show that women who continue to develop cervical cancer are those who have not had a pap test or have been infrequently tested . consequently , in developing countries , where screening progamme are non - existent , cervical cancer is the most common female cancer 一些研究亦指出不少患病的妇女从未或不常作帕氏抹片检查;在一些发展中国家,由于没有这类检查计划,子宫颈癌是最常见于妇女?癌病。 |
| 9. | Pap test is a simple and most effective method . it is painless and involves introducing a warmed speculum into the vagina and scraping some cells from the cervix , which are then placed on a slide , immersed in alcohol to preserve the cells and sent to the laboratory for staining and examination with the microscope 做柏氏子宫颈涂片的方法很简单,医生?需要用一个小的刮匙,在女性的子宫颈部位挖取少量细胞,通过简单的染色,病理科医生便可以在显微镜下研究细胞的形态和病变。 |